Beyond Rome

20. Who is the New Israel? Two Catholic Heresies

The Philos Project Season 1 Episode 20

This week Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly are joined by Andre Villeneuve to discuss how Catholics should navigate between the two heresies of Supersessionism (or Replacement Theology) and Dual Covenant Theology.

Dr. André Villeneuve is a Catholic theologian, biblical scholar, and Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. 

André received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, writing his dissertation on the topic of nuptial symbolism in the New Testament and in ancient Jewish writings. He also completed a Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology at the Salesian Pontifical University (2014), and a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture with the Pontifical Biblical Commission in Rome (2019).  He previously obtained an M.A. in Theology and Catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville.

His main areas of interest include the study of Sacred Scripture, the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith, leading pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and fostering the reconciliation of Israel and the Church through the work of Catholics for Israel. He is the author of Divine Marriage from Eden to the End of Days (2021), and of the upcoming  Sirach volume of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Hebrew Catholics, and a Senior Fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.

Beyond Rome is available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and a variety of other media platforms!



00:00-14:02 – Journey from Catholicism to Messianic Judaism to Catholicism

14:02-21:59 – Catholic’s for Israel and God’s Promises

21:59-33:15 – Navigating between the heresies of Supersessionism and Dual Covenant Theology

33:15-40:36 – Irrevocable callings and the place of Israel within the Church


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➡️ Learn more about Catholics for Israel here.

➡️ Read Why Israel Matters by Andre Villeneuve here.

➡️ Purchase Andre’s book Divine Marriage from Eden to the End of Days here.

➡️ Purchase Andre’s book Sirach here.

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