Beyond Rome
Beyond Rome is a podcast that seeks to reconnect Catholics with their Hebraic and Christian roots in the Near East. Hosted by Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly from the Philos Catholic team at the Philos Project, they explore a variety of topics related to religion and culture in the West and why the Near East matters for a healthy Church and world. Beyond Rome looks beyond the West to understand what makes the Catholic Church truly universal.
Beyond Rome
13. Antisemitic Catholics are an Oxymoron
October 28 marks the anniversary of the promulgation of Nostra Aetate, the Church’s declaration on its relation to non-Christian religions, especially with Judaism and the Jewish people.
To commemorate this anniversary, Mary and Simone joined James O’Reilly to talk about their participation at a conference that was hosted last year by Philos Catholic and Franciscan University at the University’s campus. They also speak about the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism (CCAA), which was launched exactly one year ago today. Titled Nostra Aetate and the Future of Catholic-Jewish Relations at a Time of Rising Antisemitism, the conference brought together leaders from among both the Jewish and Catholic communities.
Mary Eberstadt holds the Panula Chair in Christian Culture at the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC and is Senior Research Fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute.
Beyond Rome is available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and a variety of other media platforms!
00:00-2:58 — Intro & Recap to conference at Franciscan University
2:58-7:55 — Mary and Simone respond to “Is Antisemitism a Problem within the Church?” & “What has changed between now and 2023?
7:55-10:24 — Is Antisemitism of old the same as antisemitism today?
10:24-11:23 — Wiping Israel off the map?
11:23-12:50 — Conference positive: Jews see philosemitic Catholics
12:50-15:16 — The UN’s Fascination with and against Israel
15:16-20:21 — The Demon & Spirit of Antisemitism
20:21-29:51 — “Antisemitic Catholic” is an oxymoron
29:51-36:19 — Spiritual reparation for two millennia of Antisemitism
36:19-43:49 — Coalition & Conclusion
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➡️ Learn more about the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism: https://philosproject.org/ccaa/
➡️ Catholics Against Antisemitism by Mary Eberstadt (First Things): https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2023/10/catholics-against-anti-semitism
➡️ Nostra Aetate and the Future of Catholic-Jewish Relations at a Time of Rising Antisemitism: https://franciscan.edu/catholic-jewish-livestream/