Beyond Rome

10. Jacques Maritain and the Passion of Israel

The Philos Project

This week Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly are joined by Dr. Richard Crane for episode 10 of Beyond Rome. In this episode, Dr. Crane shares with us the story of French Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain and his journey from ultra-nationalism and antisemitism to becoming one of the lone Catholic voices to speak out publicly against the virulent antisemitism of the Nazis and others during WWII.

Dr. Crane is a professor and chair of the Department of History at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. He teaches courses in modern European history and has published on topics dealing with the Catholic Church in World War II France, the Holocaust, and Catholic-Jewish relations since 1945. In 2006-07, Dr. Crane was the Hoffberger Family Fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. While there, he wrote his book Passion of Israel: Jacques Maritain, Catholic Conscience, and the Holocaust, first published in 2010, and republished by Wipf and Stock in 2014. More recently, he has published articles in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations and The Catholic Historical Review.

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00:00-12:08 - Background & interest in Catholic-Jewish history and Nostra Aetate
12:08-16:13 - Jacques & Raissa’s suicide pact and main influences
16:13-21:40 - Jews in revolutionary movements & metaphysics
21:40-25:00 - Charles Maurras & Maritan
25:00-30:05 - Jacques’ cost of obedience to Holy Father
30:05-35:51 - Holocaust and impossibility of being both antisemitic and Christian
35:51-39:05 - Summary of Maritan & antisemitism
39:05-46:16 - The Jewish question
46:16-48:02 - 10/7 mention & conclusion

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➡️ Passion of Israel by Richard Crane.

➡️ Richard Crane article about Jacques Maritain on America Magazine.

➡️ Richard Crane on Homiletic and Pastoral Review: Witnessing to Truth.

➡️ "Heart-Rending Ambivalence” by Richard Crane.

➡️ Read Nostra Aetate (Declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions).

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