Beyond Rome
Beyond Rome is a podcast that seeks to reconnect Catholics with their Hebraic and Christian roots in the Near East. Hosted by Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly from the Philos Catholic team at the Philos Project, they explore a variety of topics related to religion and culture in the West and why the Near East matters for a healthy Church and world. Beyond Rome looks beyond the West to understand what makes the Catholic Church truly universal.
Beyond Rome
3. Vatican II & Eastern Catholic Churches
This week Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly talk to Canon Lawyer Nicole Delaney on Orientalium Ecclesiarum, a short decree from the Second Vatican Council on the Eastern Churches!
This decree was the inspiration behind the Eastern Code of Canon Law—we do realize that inviting a canon lawyer to join us as our first special guest was a very Roman thing to do!
Beyond Rome is available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and a variety of other media platforms!
3:35— Eastern Catholics are not Eastern Orthodox
5:11—Churches are not rites —language matters
14:34—It's complicated—legal and pastoral challenges
18:52—Valid but illegal confirmations
20:46—The message of OE is Be okay with who you are: An Eastern Catholic!
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➡️ Link to Orientalium Ecclesiarum
➡️ Link to Simone's ChurchPop article
➡️ Click here to view the 24 Catholic Churches