Beyond Rome

1. Introducing Beyond Rome: With Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly

The Philos Project Season 1 Episode 1

Join Simone Rizkallah and James O’Reilly for our pilot episode of Beyond Rome, a podcast production of the Catholic team at The Philos Project. In this episode, you’ll learn who and what The Philos Project is, the stories of how Simone and James came to work in the Near East space, and why we do the work we do.

Beyond Rome is available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and a variety of other media platforms!



1:40 - James explains the Philos Project
2:56 - Dominican friars meet Orthodox Jews
4:56 - Simone explains there are 24 Catholic Churches
10:58 - Armenia and Israel in 2023
14:18 - The Church is Prophetic


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